Self-Defense In Tennessee

In Tennessee, you can’t be found guilty of a violent crime provided you can prove that the only reason you used the violent action was in self-defense. In addition to proving that you were in danger, you’ll also have to prove that your actions were reasonable given the set of circumstances you found yourself in. […]

What Is The “Bait And Switch” And When Is It Illegal?

Bait and switch is a cute term that refers to a nasty con game. If you’re the victim of a bait and switch scam you’ve purchased one item only to be given something that doesn’t match the description of what you purchased. Bait and switch typically involve businesses who use the tactic to lure customers […]

What Appears On Background Checks?

Your skills qualify you for the job you are interviewing for and you hit it off with your interviewer. They tell you that unofficially, you have the job. They just need to do a background check and get the paperwork in order. Once everything clears, you are hired! However, you are worried that your potential […]

Consequences Of Failing To Honor Your Bail Agreement

Bail is a monetary agreement you enter into with the court system. You pay bail in exchange for being released from jail. If you make all your court appearances, the court eventually returns the money to you. When You Cover Your Bail If you’ve paid the bail yourself and fail to appear in court, you […]

What Are Your Rights When You’re Pulled Over?

A whole lot of things can happen while a person is driving. One thing that most drivers would prefer to avoid is getting pulled over. Unfortunately, sometimes things happen, and the driver makes a mistake. Sometimes, as far as the driver knows, they didn’t do anything wrong but find themselves getting pulled over anyways. When […]

How To Appear And Conduct In Court

The Real Cost Of A DUI Charge

Most people out there recognize the fact that driving while drunk is a very bad idea. While a person is drunk, their mind isn’t what it normally is, meaning they are more likely to make costly mistakes. This is why it is illegal to drive while drunk all over the country. Here in Tennessee, the […]

Abuse, Threats, and Stalking Are Not Cute

Certain things in life are cute, like baby animals. Giving someone a sentimental, thinking of you, gift or complimenting someone’s outfit or attitude is cute. You know what isn’t cute? Abuse, threats and stalking. These acts are harassment. To be more precise, those actions fall under civil harassment. Civil harassment goes beyond just being rude […]