What Is A Plea Bargain?

Considering how many people are arrested each year in Tennessee, there are surprisingly few criminal trials. There are usually two reasons a case doesn’t go to trial. The first is because the charges were dropped, either due to lack of evidence or because the person who filed the charges changed their mind. The second reason […]

Catching Police Officers On Film

Videos of police officers behaving badly have a history of going viral. This sheds a bad light on police officers throughout the entire state of Tennessee. Isn’t it interesting how videos of police officers doing good things never seem to make it onto the internet? If you plan on filming a police officer there are […]

Smoking And Driving

Somewhere along the way, a rumor started to spread. The rumor was that you couldn’t legally smoke and drive a car. This has alarmed many drivers who find that smoking helps them relax and pass the time while they’re stuck in traffic. It’s also likely resulted in the police fielding many calls from concerned motorists […]

Co-Signing For A Loved One’s Bail

One of the worst middle of the night calls you’ll ever get is a loved one telling you that they’ve been arrested. There usually isn’t much you can do after the initial call. Soon your loved one will find out how much their bail is and will likely call you again. In many cases, the […]

Frequently Asked Questions About Bail

Here at Maryville Bail Bonds, we have learned that most people have a whole lot of questions about bail and how it works. Luckily for our clients, our bail agents are more than capable of answering any questions about the bail process. In fact, in order to help you out, here are some of the […]

Understanding Statute Of Limitations In Tennessee

Statute of limitations is a term that gets thrown around a lot on legal shows but not everyone fully understands what they are. The truth is that the statute of limitations is a very important legal term that addresses whether or not you can be charged for an old crime. The problem is that different […]

Tennessee’s Attitude Towards Hit And Run Accidents

When it comes to hit and run accidents, Tennessee’s lawmakers don’t have a sense of humor. They created laws that deal with hit and run accidents that simply involve property damage, and for hit and run accidents that resulted in someone getting hurt. If you’re charged with a hit and run, you must understand the […]

Cash Bail Vs. Bail Bonds

When needing to post bail, a defendant has a couple of options. Which option he or she chooses is dependent on what they can afford. The first option is cash bail. For this option, the defendant, and anyone on his or her behalf, must pay the full bail amount to the court in order for […]

Child Endangerment In Tennessee

Tennessee’s lawmakers believe that adults have a moral and legal responsibility to protect children. Failing to do so can put you on the wrong side of the law. The Tennessee Penal Code 273a PC deals with the issue of child endangerment. The interesting thing about Penal Code 273a PC is that while it deals with […]

How To Get Free Legal Assistance In Tennessee

Nearly everyone has a point in their life where they need some sort of legal advice. If you’re lucky, you have enough money that you can pay a lawyer for their time. Sadly, not everyone is in this position. The good news is that whether you need answers to a few legal questions involving how […]