Should You Take Advantage of a Bail Bond Payment Plan?
Maryville Bail Bonds flexible, zero-interest bail bond payment plan is just one of the reasons you should contact us after you’ve been arrested. Additional reasons to get in touch with us when you or a loved one needs a bail bond include:
- 20% discounts for some applicants
- Simple contracts
- 24/7 bail service
- Free consultations
- Discretion
- No hidden fees
All consultations are free and available 24/7! Simply call (865)518-8810.
Arranging Bail Bond Payment Plans While You’re In Jail
Setting up a payment plan for your bail bond isn’t difficult, provided you’re very clear with your communication. Before you sign a contract with us, it’s important that everyone involved with your bail not only knows exactly how much each payment will be but also when each payment will be made. You should also let us know if you’re paying by credit card, check, or cash.
Important things to keep in mind once you’ve signed up for a bail bonds payment plan:
- If there’s a problem with a payment, it’s in your best interest to let us know as soon as possible. Solid communication reduces the risk of us revoking your bail bond and you returning to custody.
- If you have a co-signer, understand that they will be responsible for making a payment if you miss one. This is something they need to understand and agree to before you sign a contract and enter into a payment program.
- You are still responsible for making the payments even if your case is resolved before you’ve made the final payment.
- We are ready and willing to work with you and come up with a payment plan that allows you to be released from jail and reunited with your loved ones. The sooner you contact us and take advantage of our free consultations, the sooner we can help you out.