You don’t have to pay bail. You have the option of staying in jail while you wait for the court system to get around to dealing with your case, but is this really the best option?
It’s easy to follow the thought process that staying in jail might be the best option, especially if you’re looking at a high bail. Staying in jail means you don’t have to worry about coming up with any money, which could put a financial strain on your loved ones. Staying in jail also means you don’t have to worry about doing anything that could be considered a violation of your bail and potentially land you in even greater trouble.
Is Staying In Jail Really Your Best Option?
The first thing to consider is whether you’re staying in jail really does alleviate your family’s financial concerns. Sure they don’t have to worry about how to handle the 10% of the bail you need to secure a bail bond from Maryville Bail Bonds, but on the other hand, while you’re in jail, you’re not able to work and contribute to the family’s financial savings. At least if you’re out on bail, you have the option of taking a second job and quickly paying the fee back.
Another problem with the staying in jail plan is that no one connected to the jail system has your best interests at heart. All it takes is you accidentally saying the wrong thing in front of someone and them using your words against you and potentially jeopardizing your case. It’s even possible that both the employees and inmates will actively work to get you to say something incriminating.
The final problem with staying in jail is that it makes it significantly harder for your lawyer to meet with you and plan your defense. If you’re out of jail, meetings can take place at your lawyer’s office which will be more relaxed, convenient and secure.
The main reason people decide to stay in jail rather than seeking a bail bond is that they’re worried about the cost. That’s why here at Maryville Bail Bonds, we’ve worked hard to create a flexible payment plan that can be customized to fit your financial situation. You might even be eligible for our a 20% discount. If you work, we don’t usually require collateral.
Our services include:
- 24/7 Bail Bond Service
- FREE Online or Phone Consultation
- 20% Discount (to qualifying clients)
- 0% Interest Payment Plans
- Over the Phone Approvals
- No Hidden Fees
- No Collateral with Working Co-Signer
- Easy to Understand Contracts
- Discrete Service
- Se Habla Español
The best way to learn if we can help you is by urging you to take advantage of our FREE consultation. During the consultation, we’ll answer all of your questions and help alleviate any concerns you have. All you have to do is call. We promise, we won’t let you down.