How Long Does it Take for a Judge to Set my Bail?


As soon as you’ve been arrested, you want to be released. The problem is that you can’t be released for many crimes until your bail has been set. Once you know how much bail is required to get you out of jail, you and your loved ones can start exploring different ways to raise the […]

Are Door-to-Door Warrantless Searches Legal?


In 2013, during the aftermath that followed the bombing of the Boston Marathon, many Boston residents responded to knocks on their door. On the other side were angry and armed members of Boston’s SWAT team. They were engaged in massive manhunt for the suspects and wanted to go through the homes and make sure that […]

What to Do When Your Teenager Runs Away From Home


Any parent will admit that their relationship with their child can change on a day-to-day basis sometimes. There are times when everyone is getting along perfectly, and then there are times when arguments are more common than kind words. Thankfully, no matter what happens, even after the worst fights, there is still plenty of love […]

Do Seatbelt Laws Save Lives?


It seems like every time we turn around, a new law that takes away another one of our personal choices is in place. A perfect example of this is seatbelt laws. At this point, with the exception of New Hampshire, every single state has laws in place that force passengers in the front seats to […]